Thursday, March 7, 2013

Random thoughts....

I love freezer cooking!  Tonight we are having beef stew....beef stew that I made with my best friend over 2 weeks ago.  Tonight we are enjoying dinner and I didn't lift a finger to make it (today).  I am looking for some new freezer cooking recipes?  Any suggestions?

Ethan has been on "purple" for nearly 19 days straight.  For those of you who haven't had a kiddo start school yet, many kindergarteners have a behavior chart that is color coded.  Red= bad day, Yellow=you got warned of your bad behavior a few times today, Green= you had a good day, Purple= you had a great day, you went above and beyond on something!  I am slightly surprised so proud of him.  It must be hard work for a kid who generally talks non stop and can't sit still more than 30 seconds. 

I went to work a the hospital.  It has been nearly six weeks since I have worked and it was so good to be back even if just for a few hours.  I was surprised though how much I missed my kids.  Somedays, I dream of going in to work and having adult conversation (and making money) but once I am there, all I do is think about them.

The neighbor kids just showed up to play at our house.  They say that our house is like "heaven" because apparently we have "every toy" and our house is "always a mess."  Well, welcome to heaven.  At the beginning of the year, I was apprehensive to let them all come into our house since it is usually not "guest worthy".   I learned very quickly that they don't care.  They love to come over and we love having them.  They are all getting bundled up to go out and play in the snow.

I am seriously considering signing up for a sprint triatholon this August.  I can't even run to the mail box without getting winded.  I am certain that the twin pregnancy weakenen my already wimpy stamina and muscles.  I remember back in high school and college when on a somewhat frequent basis, I had reasons to be proud of myself.  I studied really hard for a test and aced it.  I practiced for weeks and made drum major of our high school marching band.  I got accepted into nursing school after a grueling semester of science classes that I didn't think I would pass let alone get straight A's.  I didn't get last in a track meet.  (haha, my coach said he could walk faster than i could run)  Now, though, as a SAHM, I do lots of dishes, laundry, diapers, puzzles, and playdough.  I have this deep desire to work hard at something so that I have that sense of achievement...something that is just for me. 

We are redecorating our bedroom on a dime-budget.  Our room is definetly not the "romantic refuge" it should be.  Over the past 5 years, we have had a revolving door of 4 babies co-sleeping with us and now that we have our room back to ourselves, it needs a face lift.  I will post some before and after pictures soon.  I have already hung some table cloths as curtains...thankyou pinterest!

Thats all for now!  Time to get some hot chocolate going for all these cold hands that are about to invade my kitchen.

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